Łukasz Grzesiczak


In Demagog since 2021. He previously worked as a journalist, associated with platforms such as Interia.pl and “Gazeta Wyborcza”. He started his professional career as a PR and advertising specialist, working for institutions such as Wydawnictwo Literackie and Schulz brand friendly advertising agency. He is an expert (commentator and columnist) on Czech and Slovak affairs. Currently, he publishes articles on platforms such as OKO.press, the weekly magazine “Przegląd”, and the bimonthly magazine “Nowa Europa Wschodnia”.

In the past, his texts have been featured in publications such as “Tygodnik Powszechny”, the website Krytyka Polityczna, the magazine “Twórczość”, as well as Czech publications including “Aspen Review Central Europe” and “Host”, and the Slovak magazine “Kapitál”.

He holds a degree in Philosophy from Jagiellonian University in Kraków, and is a doctoral student in Political Science at the Pedagogical University in Kraków. He has also studied at the Institute of Political Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Charles University in Prague, and the University of Silesia in Opava. He is a member of the project “Právní, historické a společenskovědní aspekty nových a tradičních menšin v České republice” in the program of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic “Národní kulturní identita II”. In his free time, he is an avid badminton player, floorball player, and hiker.