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Czy Niemcy zaczęły likwidować reaktory?
Ten artykuł ma więcej niż 3 lata. Niektóre dane mogą być nieaktualne. Sprawdź, jak zmieniała się metodologia i artykuły w Demagogu.
Czy Niemcy zaczęły likwidować reaktory?
Since Germany began to decommission reactors, an increase in CO2 emission has been observed. Alongside, the Germans saw an rise in the prices of electricity, as well as greater volatility in electrical grid.
In May 2011, in Germany, Angela Merkel’s cabinet on decommissioning 8 out of 17 German power plants and gradual decommissioning the next until the final abandonment of nuclear energy by 2022.
In 2012 and 2013, that is after decommissioning the reactors, the emission of CO2 temporarily increased, however, it decreased between 2014-2015.
The price of electricity has increased, which is primarily the result of Germany’s efforts to use the largest share of RES in the energy mix.
The destabilization of electrical grid does not occur also because of a stable plan, which involves replacing power from the decommissioned plants with a surplus generated by other plants, mainly from RES.
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