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Udział Skarbu Państwa w spółkach węglowych
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Udział Skarbu Państwa w spółkach węglowych
Sweden has recently resigned from a penalty tax on producing nuclear energy. This led to a decision by the Swedish energy suppliers to extend the life of currently operating reactors, in order to maintain this environment safe energy source.
On June 10, 2016, Swedish government approved the decision, that from 2017 the penalty tax on producing nuclear energy will be liquidated.
E.On Vattenfal and Fortum have taken a decision to continue operation of reactors.
The Swedish government wants, by 2050, to switch into 100% RES, as well as is considering replacing old reactors with new ones, which would ensure greater security, because currently operating reactors were built in the 70s and 80s. There are 10 reactors operating at the moment. Owing to the liquidation of the tax, companies producing energy from atom generate a bigger profit.
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