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Support Ukraine! List of credible fundraisers and campaigns
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is inevitably associated with a huge influx of false information that is intended to distort our point of view on this conflict. War, however, is not only about actions on the battle front, but most of all it is the suffering of huge numbers of innocent people. If you want to help Ukrainian citizens, it should be borne in mind that the disinformation agents may want to use our sympathy against us and create false fundraisers or aid campaigns.

Support Ukraine! List of credible fundraisers and campaigns
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is inevitably associated with a huge influx of false information that is intended to distort our point of view on this conflict. War, however, is not only about actions on the battle front, but most of all it is the suffering of huge numbers of innocent people. If you want to help Ukrainian citizens, it should be borne in mind that the disinformation agents may want to use our sympathy against us and create false fundraisers or aid campaigns.
Here is a list of reliable and verified fundraisers. Below those, you’ll find examples of Ukraine aid-related scams that you should not get involved in under any circumstances.
Do you want to help Ukraine? Choose one of these fundraising campaigns
Humanitarian relief:
- Hospitallers – Ukrainian organization operating directly on the front lines. You can help here [via bank transfer (USD, EUR, UAH)].
- Solidarni with Ukraine – Polish fundraiser on the website. You can help here (via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer, Google Pay, SEPA).
- Polish Humanitarian Organization – provides medical care, provides food and sanitary packages, blankets, sleeping bags and other products necessary for survival. You can help here [via Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer (USD, EUR, GBP), PayU].
- Polish Center for International Aid – humanitarian aid, evacuation of the population and psychological help for children. You can help here (via PayPal, Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer, tpay).
- Polish Medical Mission – an organization that provides medical assistance in war-torn countries. You can help here (via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer, PayU).
- Saint Nicholas Foundation – helping children in Mariupol. You can help here (via Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer).
- Voices of children – an organization supporting children. You can help here [via Google Pay, Apple Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer (USD, EUR), PayPal].
- Caritas Ukraine – provides help to the poorest; the transfer can be made in US dollars, euros, rubles and hryvnia. You can help here (via Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard).
- Caritas Polska – provides food, sanitary products and basic assistance. You can help here (via Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, bank transfer, ecard).
- Ukraine, we will not leave you in need! – Polish fundraiser on the Siepomaga webiste. You can help here (via PayPal, Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer).
- #RAZEMdlaUKRAINY – fundraiser on website for the organizations: Polish Migration Forum, Foundation for Freedom, Homo Faber Association, Uniters Foundation, Cor Ignis Foundation (the list will be expanded), helping victims of the war. You can help here (via Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer).
- Laboratory Of Peace (Salam Lab) – fundraiser for refugee aid in Cracow, arranging housing and building a network of support for Ukrainian refugees in the region. You can help here (via Google pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer).
- Foundation Institute Poland-Ukraine – Cracow foundation that organizes a fundraiser for Ukraine. Here you can help (via bank transfer).
- The Ukrainian Club in Krakow – the Zustricz Foundation – organization supporting Ukrainians in Poland. Here you can help (via bank transfer with topic “donation for Ukraine”).
- Fundacja Widowisk Masowych – fundraising for medicines and equipment for the military. You can help here (via bank transfer USD, EUR).
- The Association of Ukrainians in Poland, branch in Szczecin – runs a fundraiser for wounded Ukrainians. You can help here (via bank transfer).
- Edu & Art Foundation – humanitarian aid. You can help here (via bank transfer).
- Dobra Fabryka Foundation – provides help to people injured as a result of conflict and for those who are forced to flee their homes. You can help here (via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, bank transfer).
- Polish Red Cross – collection of funds for purchasing food, clothes and securing other priority needs. You can help here (via Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer, PayU).
- UNICEF – fundraiser to provide children with safe shelters and psychological support, medical care, clean water and hygiene measures. You can help here (via Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer, PayU).
- SOS Ukraine – fundraiser for abandoned children and foster families in Ukraine, carried out by the SOS Children’s Villages association using the Siepomaga platform. You can help here (via PayPal, Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer).
- Avalon Foundation / Vostok.SOS – fundraising for finding housing for the injured, humanitarian and medical aid, as well as evacuating families from Ukraine. You can help here (via Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer, PayU).
- Licytuję – Pomagam Foundation – fundraiser for helping victims of the war in Ukraine. You can help here (via PayPal, bank transfer, Dotpay).
- Dobre Jutro Foundation – humanitarian aid for Ukrainian and Polish citizens (Kresowiaks) in Ukraine. You can help here (via Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer).
- Help for Ukrainian animals – fundraiser conducted by the Cracow chapter of Association for the Protection of Animals, helping abandoned animals in Ukraine. You can help here (via BLIK, PayPal, Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer).
- DIOZ helps Ukrainian animals – fundraiser for animal protection services organization helping to find and relocate any animals left behind or misplaced during the invasion in Ukraine. You can help here (via PayPal, Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer).
- Wolność i Demokracja Foundation – aid for refugees from Ukraine (not only financial – also e.g. providing accommodation). You can help here.
- Together for Ukraine! – fundraiser by the Treasury Foundation John Paul II and the Institute of gen. Władysław Anders for the purchase of food, hygiene products and dressings or providing basic material assistance to people directly affected by hostilities. You can help here (via przelewy24, credit/debit card, Google Pay).
- FUNDRAISING FOR UKRAINE – for people and animals! – for people and animals escaping from Ukraine. You can help here (via credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal).
- Act with us for of refugees from Ukraine – fundraising action on the portal to help refugees in Cracow. You can help here (via Google Pay, credit/debit card).
- Ukraine Humanitarian Fund – one of the UN’s country-based pooled funds, made directly and immediately available to a wide range of partner organizations at the front lines of response. You can help here (via Apple Pay or credit / debit card).
- Together with Ukraine – fundraiser by the Zbieramy Razem foundation for humanitarian aid. You can help here (via credit/debit card).
- The Ocalenie Foundation – fundraiser for refugees. You can help here (e-transfer or card payment via PayU).
- STUDY.UA – an organization that provides free lessons for students in Ukraine, fundraising conducted through the Aid Legion foundation. You can help here (via credit/debit card or Google Pay).
Polish government also provides assistance to refugees. Using the platform, you can report readiness for assistance (financial and material) and the need for it.
Ukrainian army support:
- Come back alive – works directly with the command and military units personnel, provides infrared thermal imaging cameras, night vision goggles, hemostats etc. Here you can help [via Google Pay, Bitcoin, VISA, Mastercard, bank transfer (USD, EUR)].
- National Bank of Ukraine – created a special account to raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine; the transfer can be made in Polish zloty, US dollars, euros, British pounds and hryvnia. You can help here [via Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer (USD, EURO, UAH, GBP, CHF, AUD, CNY, CAD, JPY i PLN)].
- Army SOS – manages the purchase of the necessary ammunition, shields, communication and reconnaissance devices, etc., and directly delivers all goods to the Ukrainian forces. You can help here [via bank transfer (USD, EUR), Western Union / MoneyGram transfer].
- Phoenix Wings – provides appropriate equipment and uniforms, vests, helmets, the necessary treatment of wounded soldiers and renovation of buildings used by the army. You can help here [via PayPal, bank transfer (USD, EUR, CAD, GBP), Western Union / MoneyGram transfer].
- Fundacja Widowisk Masowych – fundraising for medicines and equipment for the military. You can help here (via bank transfer USD, EUR).
Other international fundraisers:
- International Committee Of The Red Cross – supports food-producing initiatives and infrastructure repair (including water-pumping stations), as well as rebuilding damaged homes, and providing aid to hospitals, schools, mental health facilities and community centers. You can help here (via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, many currencies available).
- United Help Ukraine – this nonprofit organization receives and distributes donations, food and medical supplies to displaced Ukrainians affected by Russia’s invasion. You can help here (via PayPal or debit / credit card).
- International Medical Corps – nonprofit focused on providing health-care services, psychosocial support, and care to citizens of countries dealing with disaster, disease, and conflict. It’s currently accepting monetary gifts that will go toward providing Ukrainians with better access to medical and mental health resources. You can help here (via PayPal, Visa, Maestro, bank transfer).
- Malteser International – worldwide relief agency of the Sovereign Order of Malta collecting „everyday” supplies for Ukrainians who have been forced to flee their homes (medicines, cots, blankets, food). You can help here (via PayPal, debit / credit card).
- Sunflower of Peace – American nonprofit organization raising money to put together first aid backpacks for paramedics and doctors on the front lines. You can help here (via PayPal, Visa, Mastercard).
- Nova Ukraine – non-profit organization focused on bringing humanitarian aid to vulnerable populations in Ukraine. You can help here (via PayPal, check, cryptocurrency, credit / debit card).
- Revived Soldiers Ukraine – focused both on broader humanitarian aid as well as the „medical rehabilitation of Ukrainian soldiers”. You can help here (via PayPal, debit / credit cards).
- Migration Aid – Humanitarian aid . Addressing the crisis leading to refugees. Providing help with refugees. You can help here (via PayPal).
- Magyar Reformatus Szeretetszolgalat – provides support at the railway stations and at the border. You can help here (via OTP simple pay, credit/debit card).
- Hungarian Red Cross – provides support at the railway stations and at the border. You can help here (via PayPal, OTP simple pay, Barion).
Watch out for unverified fundraisers and scams!
The attack on Ukraine is also used by online scammers who, under the guise of wanting to help, extort data or money and capitalize off of the turmoil in the country.
Threat Labs warns against websites urging to support Ukraine through… tokens.
Kolejna podejrzana strona internetowa nakłaniająca do wspierania Ukrainy poprzez …. tokeny #NFT ..
Nie dajcie się nabrać na podejrzane akcje pomocy!
Adres podejrzanej strony:
hxxps:// @CERT_OPL @CERT_Polska— RIFFSEC (@getriffsec) February 24, 2022
Uwaga, ostrzegamy przed różnego rodzaju próbami szybkiego zarobku na konflikcie na Ukrainie. Zaobserwowaliśmy powstanie nowego "Tokena" i kampanii nakłaniającą do inwestycji
Adres podejrzanej strony:
hxxps://ądźcie ostrożni!@CSIRT_KNF @CERT_Polska @CERT_OPL
— RIFFSEC (@getriffsec) February 24, 2022
Threat Labs Twitter channel regularly reports on scams related to fundraising in Ukraine. We encourage you to follow. also warns against unverified fundraisers. The website shared an example of an e-mail received by one of the readers on its Facebook page. The author of the message pretends to be a murdered Ukrainian man’s wife, asking for a transfer in the form of Bitcoins.
On February 28, the organization Come Back alive (one of the credible initiatives on our list) informed that a fake fundraiser was founded, pretending to be its website (fake address: Real link to help.
Зловмисники створили фейковий сайт „Повернись живим”,щоб обкрадати небайдужих –
Ми просимо вас поширити цю інформацію і користуватися тільки офіційними ресурсами Фонду: ? ?
Будьте обачні!
— Повернись живим (@BackAndAlive) February 28, 2022
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